Review on Sephora by Izak’s Twin Lipstick!

So, you’re at Sephora playing in makeup and you find a shade you absolutely have to have. Then you check the price and it’s $30 for the smallest little stick of lipstick ever. Been there? In July i was at Sephora and found a shade of Matte lipstick by Nars that i fell in love with. It was $35 dollars and the size of a damn cigarette stick. So i sadly put it down and walked around some more, only to find this gem of a product. It was in those little bins that Sephora puts out when you’re waiting in line, and it’s called Izak’s Twin Lipstick. It was in the exact shade of the matte color i wanted! I’ve been getting a lot of compliments on it lately, so I decided that I would write a review on these awesome little things for you all.

This is the exact color shade i bought, and it’s called “Mademoiselle”. Honestly, the red shade is too bright for my tan skin tone, but I’m absolutely in love with the Berry shade. It’s not as dark and black as it is in this photo. The little cartridge it comes in is the coolest thing ever. The lipsticks go in to each side, and you push the inside to make one lipstick come out (and opposite for the other shade) with your thumb, and it feels like a little lipstick tranquilizer dart! It’s only $15 dollars for the lipsticks together, which is a deal considering it was from Sephora and it’s got two in it.

Dark Shade:

Light Shade:

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